dear dairy
today i was late for work. i got into real trouble cos of it and linda was laughing but only for a while.
Turns out shes now not pregant any more after a big bust up in the shop today with derek from security. I knew it. dint i just know it. Shes sucha liar and i was nice 2 her as well making her tea and doing all her heavy work. Bitch.
And it got her into so much trouble that they forgot about me being late. they told her 2 leave her personal bisness at home and she went metnal.
Talking of linda, i shud be hearing about the poetry conpetition soon 2. I wonder what they think of my poem about linda the bitch.
Debz has been all pally with linda since the bust up and she has not really spoken 2 me muxh today. i hope i havent done something 2 upset her cos debz is the only firend ive got apart from the snugglebottoms.
so in all today has been horrid even after the linda insident. i dont know what i wud have done if i had been sacked. aunt millie wud have had a fit espeshially cos i wudnt have been able 2 pay any rent n she needs that omney 2 live on cos she says her pension isnt nearly enough for a person to survive.
she blames tony blair and his ugly wife for it all. She thinks his wife had the look of labour. HIs wife iss really ugly though isnt she. It looks like someone has touched her with the ugly stick. Brian from security has a saying about ugly people. He says tehy fell out of the ugly tree and hit every ugly branch on the way down. i think thats very funny. i shall have 2 start using that phrase for myself.
im going 2 have a bath now. i might come back later 2 write some more if i feel like it.
Posted by pigeon78
at 7:04 PM BST