Dear Dairy
Aunty Millie came home today from aunty ems. I didnt tell her about Arthur straight away cos I thought I would let her settle down first so I made her tea when she arrived and looked after her for a while.
When she asked about Arthur, I just burst into tears. I didnt know what else to do. So I conffessed all. I told her everything about looking in the park, the tweeter, About the posters I'd put up in the streets, About the police putting out a missing budgie call incase they saw him but she wasnt very pleased with my efforts to find him.
I tried to explain that it couldnt have been mr snugglebottom who done it but she wasnt having any of it. She was so angry and so upset. I thought she was going to burst at one point her face went so red. It scared me and when i tried 2 get her 2 calm down incase she done herself an injury she went mental, screaming at me and throwing a cushion at me. It could have hurt me or taken an eye out or something.
So it didnt go sown 2 well when i brought out the new Arthur2 lookalike budgie to replace ARthur1. I had kept him a suprise all day and in the end I thought she was going 2 throw him at me 2 but instead she put him in his cage, shouted at me that i could have chocked him with the ribbon round his neck and went off to bed.
So this leaves me here like this now. I'm scared shell tell mr snugglebottom he has 2 leave home. I couldnt split him and mrs snugglebottom up and I cant live without my fuzzy pussies. I might have 2 leave my lovely home, what am I going 2 do?
My dad would never have let this happen 2 me. I wish he or mum were here. On top of all this i have the day off work 2moro and i had promised to stay in with aunty millie 2 get her acclimatised 2 the house again. After all it has been very hot lately. She hates me now. I know it.
As a little cheery side note, I spent most of today sunbathing. I got burned abit which is really cool cos I will eventually go brown i hope. My legs really need 2 see some sun and get a bit of colour.
But none of that is important anymore. Not when I am still in morning for poor ARthur1.
I just hope aunty millie can take arthur 2 into her heart and love him as if he were her own.
its a sad goodnight from me tonight. I have never been given in2 trouble by aunty millie before :(
Posted by pigeon78
at 12:56 AM BST