Dear diarey!!!
I have been too busy for once 2 write, I have made 2 loveyl new friends, 1 at work, (luv ya debz!!! <3 ) n 1 on the net, so my website must b doing some good!! wish more people whouls sign the guest book...
I went to hyde park at dinner 2day just 2 hear the birds in the trees and be at 1 ith nature. All the boys were skating in the serp road, they r all so goodlooking!!! i rang up a wrong acount after luvn tho cos i had a couple of bacardis in the pork
I think millie has forgive me, life is not 2 bad . they r looking up for alice, yay!!!
I got some emails 2day from sum boys ona website debz said I should join, they seem realy nice, but theyre all a bit unpretty for me, Darren was very pretty for a boy. But there are other boys... maybe I will or have met some1 nice. my new internet friend is ver y nice, i hope he really like me 2
U never no
Lotsa luve
Alice and snugglebottoms
Posted by pigeon78
at 12:27 AM BST