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Alices Pigeon Street
Monday, 21 July 2003

Dear dairy

How clever am i? Even though I was a bit tipsy i still managed 2 set up 2 dairy.

It was auntmillies bithday yesterdday and we went 2 the local Weatherspoons for a quick drink. Shes all of 72 years old and acts like a teenager. i hope i'm lke that when i get 2 her age.

Even tho im proud of my acheevnments setting this up, i am so embarased by something i done. theres this guy on the dark side that ive been talking 2 and apparently i sent him a private messsage while i was tipsy. i dont remmber this or what i said 2 him and now i dont think i can look him in the face anymore so to speak. he sounds really sweet and hes from wales. I always wnted 2 go 2 wales.

Anyway, i had a bit of a hangover this morning which made work this afternoon a bit of a pain. Lynda was such a bitch 2 me 2day. She told me i was too fat to wear the tan miniskirt in the midas range. what does she know shes like a size 12. she always thinks shes my boss and im really sick of it. Brian from security says she needs 2 learn 2 keep that kind of nonsense to herserlf.

2nite i stayed in and watched some tv with aunty millie but i missed corrie and eastenders cos the traffic was bad 2nite hone from work.

Later i watched big brother. I wish it had been stef that was evicted rather han noosh cos she really anonys me. Noosh was a good laugh and brian from security said i looked a bit like her wen i had blond hair.

i also done my westlife page but its still got things that i need 2 put on it. i'm really chuffed with my website.


Posted by pigeon78 at 11:50 PM BST

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