welcome 2 my world
Dear dairy
Its late and I really should be in bed by now but I dont have to work until 4 2moro so im going 2 stay up late and play some more on nmy webiste.
I am really pleased with how this is turning out. I never new that it was so easy 2 do these webistes. I think i mighyt start 2 learn more 2 do them as a business 4 shops and things. I wonder if topshop has a webiste. I could do theyre website for them. I dont thin k they have a website cos I would no about it if they had one.
This bit of my website is where I am going 2 tell u about me and what i do in my free time.
I am currently 21 and live with my aunt millie who is a lovely old dear. Shes reakky my great aunt on my mums side.
My mum isnt about anymore and my dad dyed at the age of 52 when i was 17. I mss my dad so much sometimes it stll makes me cry. I miss my mum 2 but we dont talk about her much now.
I work in topshop as a senior sales consultant. I think that makes me sound really important and my job is one with lots of responsablity. I have 2 organise when every1 gets theyre lunch and tea breaks as well as decide who gets 2 do changing room and who is hanging stff up on the racks. One day i would like 2 be a manager of top shop but not the one i work for now cos its 2 big. I'd like one like they have in Debenhams which is just big enough but not 2 big.
I have two lovely little fuzzy pussys Mr and Mrs Snugglebottom. They are like a real married couple excepy they cant have kids cos mt sniugglebottom had his bits chopped off last year. I felt so sorry for him. It must have hurt. He had 2 wear a collar thingy so he wouldnt lick his wound. I wopuld like 2 train him not 2 lick that area at all. First i would like 2 train them both 2 sit.
My biggest dream is to be an actress in a hollyweood film. Apparently one of my uncles is a holywood prodicer who makes films for grownups. I have taken some acting classes at shepherds bush empire and i hoped that was meant 2 be my big brake. I'm a bit disaponted that no1 had discovered me yet but time will tell.
I would tell u more about me but its late and im going 2 go 2 bed now.
nite nite
Posted by pigeon78
at 1:10 AM BST