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Alices Pigeon Street
Friday, 25 July 2003
Poetry Competition
Dear dairy

I decided after last weekends piss up not 2 go out 2nite with aunt millie. Instead I stayed in and finished off a poem 4 a poetyr competition writing about work.

I'll put it here but i also put it on my poems page which u should all checko ut. They r messages from my soul aunt millie says. I cant show her this 1 tho cos its got swearng in it.

Its Called - Linda the Bitch

She always tells me what to do
do this, do that
the stupid moo
Its not her job to tell me to.
Linda the bitch

Everyday I have to see
Linda in her pvc
or boobtube or her mini skirt
the stupid slag is such a flirt.
Linda the bitch

One day I'm gonna shut her up
ive already spat in her cup
bet her tea never tasted the same
as my thick gob since that day.
Linda the bitch

For now my story must come to an end
this girl will never be my friend
she'll barely even look trend -y
Linda the bitch.

The End

I didnt write down all the stuff she tells me 2 do cos i couldnt get it 2 rime properly but they didnt say it had 2 be pages long or anythign.

I think i might habve a vhance of winning the work catergory cos every1 else will have big long poems that dont rime or anything and thats just stoopid.

Work was crap today and i missed the start of Big Brother the evisction nite. Im glad that cow stef got booted out first. And Cameron won... hes such a sweety even with his silly accent.

i'm going off 2 bed now cos i start at 8 2moro morning. nite nite xx

Posted by pigeon78 at 11:46 PM BST
Thursday, 24 July 2003

dear diary, god that lynda is such a bitch! she's been on at me all day 2 restock the teen lines like shes the boss....why she have 2 pick on me? cant bother auntie millie with it, she dont understand.
just came home curled up n cryed n had a drink from my secret stash. auntie millie wud go mad!!
wish little eric was here, 2 give him a hug, and 2 tell me its ok. i miss my brother. im so lonly here with millie, wish i had more friends....

ah well my legs still ache a bit from step last nite, but i really enjoy it. it gives me something 2 do and gets me out of the hoouse. just wish the other girls would speak 2 me, i dont thiink they ilike me very much and i dont know why.

ah well, nite-nite

Posted by pigeon78 at 6:54 PM BST
Monday, 21 July 2003

Dear dairy

How clever am i? Even though I was a bit tipsy i still managed 2 set up 2 dairy.

It was auntmillies bithday yesterdday and we went 2 the local Weatherspoons for a quick drink. Shes all of 72 years old and acts like a teenager. i hope i'm lke that when i get 2 her age.

Even tho im proud of my acheevnments setting this up, i am so embarased by something i done. theres this guy on the dark side that ive been talking 2 and apparently i sent him a private messsage while i was tipsy. i dont remmber this or what i said 2 him and now i dont think i can look him in the face anymore so to speak. he sounds really sweet and hes from wales. I always wnted 2 go 2 wales.

Anyway, i had a bit of a hangover this morning which made work this afternoon a bit of a pain. Lynda was such a bitch 2 me 2day. She told me i was too fat to wear the tan miniskirt in the midas range. what does she know shes like a size 12. she always thinks shes my boss and im really sick of it. Brian from security says she needs 2 learn 2 keep that kind of nonsense to herserlf.

2nite i stayed in and watched some tv with aunty millie but i missed corrie and eastenders cos the traffic was bad 2nite hone from work.

Later i watched big brother. I wish it had been stef that was evicted rather han noosh cos she really anonys me. Noosh was a good laugh and brian from security said i looked a bit like her wen i had blond hair.

i also done my westlife page but its still got things that i need 2 put on it. i'm really chuffed with my website.


Posted by pigeon78 at 11:50 PM BST
welcome 2 my world
Dear dairy

Its late and I really should be in bed by now but I dont have to work until 4 2moro so im going 2 stay up late and play some more on nmy webiste.

I am really pleased with how this is turning out. I never new that it was so easy 2 do these webistes. I think i mighyt start 2 learn more 2 do them as a business 4 shops and things. I wonder if topshop has a webiste. I could do theyre website for them. I dont thin k they have a website cos I would no about it if they had one.

This bit of my website is where I am going 2 tell u about me and what i do in my free time.

I am currently 21 and live with my aunt millie who is a lovely old dear. Shes reakky my great aunt on my mums side.

My mum isnt about anymore and my dad dyed at the age of 52 when i was 17. I mss my dad so much sometimes it stll makes me cry. I miss my mum 2 but we dont talk about her much now.

I work in topshop as a senior sales consultant. I think that makes me sound really important and my job is one with lots of responsablity. I have 2 organise when every1 gets theyre lunch and tea breaks as well as decide who gets 2 do changing room and who is hanging stff up on the racks. One day i would like 2 be a manager of top shop but not the one i work for now cos its 2 big. I'd like one like they have in Debenhams which is just big enough but not 2 big.

I have two lovely little fuzzy pussys Mr and Mrs Snugglebottom. They are like a real married couple excepy they cant have kids cos mt sniugglebottom had his bits chopped off last year. I felt so sorry for him. It must have hurt. He had 2 wear a collar thingy so he wouldnt lick his wound. I wopuld like 2 train him not 2 lick that area at all. First i would like 2 train them both 2 sit.

My biggest dream is to be an actress in a hollyweood film. Apparently one of my uncles is a holywood prodicer who makes films for grownups. I have taken some acting classes at shepherds bush empire and i hoped that was meant 2 be my big brake. I'm a bit disaponted that no1 had discovered me yet but time will tell.

I would tell u more about me but its late and im going 2 go 2 bed now.

nite nite

Posted by pigeon78 at 1:10 AM BST

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