dear diary, god that lynda is such a bitch! she's been on at me all day 2 restock the teen lines like shes the boss....why she have 2 pick on me? cant bother auntie millie with it, she dont understand.
just came home curled up n cryed n had a drink from my secret stash. auntie millie wud go mad!!
wish little eric was here, 2 give him a hug, and 2 tell me its ok. i miss my brother. im so lonly here with millie, wish i had more friends....
ah well my legs still ache a bit from step last nite, but i really enjoy it. it gives me something 2 do and gets me out of the hoouse. just wish the other girls would speak 2 me, i dont thiink they ilike me very much and i dont know why.
ah well, nite-nite
Posted by pigeon78
at 6:54 PM BST